
Foundation deliver sessions around Safer Internet Day

Educational workshops delivered in local primary schools.

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The Leeds United Foundation education programmes have been commemorating Safer Internet Day and they will continue to deliver workshops across the city throughout the next week.

Both the Premier League Primary Stars and Primary Choices teams are hosting educational sessions to young pupils to discuss the dangers of online activity, how to use the internet safely, and how to make positive choices when it comes to talking and participating online.

Coaches from the Primary Choices initiative are delivering extended safety messages around use of the internet alongside their usual discussions around the use of social media, that is included in their spotlight sessions. They are engaging students in various scenarios where the children are able to highlight any issues and choose what they see as good and what they deem is bad. Some of these ‘theoretical’ situations they could be faced with include sharing passwords, deciding whether to have safe search on web browsers, sending inappropriate messages, blocking people that are mean to you online or meeting people you have only ever met online.

The Premier League Primary Stars team delivered sessions at Holy Trinity Cookridge and Kippax North Primary on Tuesday to kick-off their involvement in the campaign, using resources from the Premier League to discuss important topics around the internet, using the power of the Premier League and Leeds United to engage the young students and ensure they are taking on board the key messages and learning.

Safer Internet Day is an annual event that takes place on 7th February, and this Tuesday marks its 20th anniversary. Each year the awareness event aims to bring people together to raise awareness of the importance of staying safe online. The theme for 2023 is ‘Together for a better internet’ calling upon various stakeholders to join together to make the internet a better place for everyone, and especially for children or young people. Some of those stakeholders include young people, parents/guardians, teachers and educators, organisations, policy makers and media representatives.

For further information around the work being delivered by the Leeds United Foundation for Safer Internet Day, please contact [email protected] (Primary Choices) or [email protected] (Premier League Primary Stars).

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