Boss looks forward to weekend action...

Brian McDermott says he can’t wait for the focus to switch back to football at Yeovil Town this weekend.

After a week that has been dominated by takeover talk and debate about the future of the manager, the boss is looking forward to a return to action as United head for Somerset looking to record back-to-back Championship victories for the first time since December.

“We’re looking forward to the football breaking out again because that’s what we want to talk about,” said the United boss.

“Hopefully the ownership will sort itself out then we can get some stability, and we can look forward to playing games and talking about football.

“I’ll be pleased to stop being asked about off the field issues and to start talking about things on the pitch again.

“The players have been fine. You saw the resilience of the team last Saturday. That tells you everything you need to know. You can talk all you want, but the proof of the pudding is on the pitch.

“The players have trained really well this week and we just want some calm now.”

Yeovil have had their Huish Park pitch covered this week in a bid to beat the torrential rain storms which have whipped around the south west.

“I know the weather has been dreadful but we will be travelling and we’re hopeful,” added the boss. “We want to play and we’ll have to see what happens.”