Final challenge set through the Premier League Primary Stars initiative

Final challenge to coincide with World Book Day.

The Premier League have set their final Premier League Primary Stars Challenge ahead of youngsters returning to school next week, encouraging them to write their very own multiple-choice quiz.

This challenge is all about having fun and being as creative as possible, whether you want to create a quiz that’s all about your favourite football team, your favourite subject at school or another hobby you might have. This will be a fantastic way for children to have fun whilst also learning new information and facts, they weren’t previously aware of.

This week’s challenge also coincides with World Book Day, taking place on Thursday 4th March 2021, and so the challenge has been put together with support from the National Literacy Trust and top football authors Alex Bellos and Ben Lyttleton.

With young students becoming their very own 'Quiz Masters' they should be able to develop their creativity, be responsible for conducting their own research using reliable sources whilst also developing their writing skills. For all of the necessary resources to complete the challenge, including some top tips, please click here.

Quizzes are also a really fun and exciting way of sharing knowledge and interacting with friends and family through these difficult circumstances – so make sure to test them out on your loved ones, once they’re ready.

If children would like to share their quizzes on social media, with permission from an adult, please tag @PLCommunities on Twitter and #PLPrimaryStars, #WeAreOneTeam or feel free to email the quiz to for a chance to be the Star of the Week.

Pupils studying from home can also tune into the live Facebook event being delivered by the Premier League on Thursday 4 March at 9.15am for their chance to take part in a live quiz featuring star authors and questions from footballers.