Following school closures, to support those looking for ways to educate, entertain and keep children active, Premier League Primary Stars have made school curriculum-linked resources available for home learning, with no registration needed.
The resources that have been made available will cover Maths, English, Physical Activity and Health and Wellbeing for Key Stage 1 (5-7 year-olds) and Key Stage 2 (7-11 year-olds), with fun activities to keep children engaged when learning at home.
There will be further activities and resources added over the next few weeks, including more maths, reading and writing challenges, so please do continue to visit the site.
These resources have been successfully used in thousands of primary schools up and down the country and so it only seemed right to make them available for families during this time of uncertainty. Some resources have more detail and may require further support from parents, carers or teachers.
Some of the things you will find online are; a range of fun and educational activity sheets and puzzles, the BBC Super Movers activities to help keep children active whilst learning, a writing stars poetry challenge and much, much more.
As an added bonus, our Primary Education team at the Leeds United Foundation have designed a reflective journal that can be used by young students at the end of each learning day. With this they can detail what they have learnt every day, giving examples of their work and describing how they'd like to challenge themselves the following day. This can be downloaded here.
To find out more and see what resources are easily available for families, please click here.
If you have any queries or require extra support please contact [email protected].