
Melanoma Fund help to keep Foundation participants safe

600 sun protection kits given to youngsters in the local community.

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The Melanoma Fund UK have donated over 600 sun protection kits for young participants within the Leeds United Foundation to ensure their health and wellbeing.

The Sun-Sorted! Protection kits include bottles of SPF50+ sunscreen and Sun-Sorted! wristbands and they have been given out to young people across the Premier League Kicks and Premier League Primary Stars programmes along with those taking part in the Foundation’s Summer Soccer Camps.

Alongside the protection kits, the youngsters receiving them have also taken on quizzes on being safe in the sun to help improve their knowledge around the subject - which in turn will hopefully help to keep them healthy in the future.

As part of the partnership with the Melanoma Fund, the Leeds United Foundation have also become Sun Protection Accredited, with all members of staff undertaking training.

If you would like to become Sun Protection Accredited as part of the ongoing campaign, as either a group or individual that takes the health and wellbeing of children seriously, you simply need to undertake the following actions, all free of charge:

1.            Read the OK Sun Safety Code.

2.            Create a tailored sun protection policy.

3.            Display awareness posters.

4.            Display the sun protection accreditation logo and certificate.

On registration you will be sent a toolkit of resources that simply require downloading and printing, helping to keep sun protection in the front of minds all summer.

Skin cancer is now the UK’s most common and fastest growing cancer. It is mostly preventable with sunburn doubling the risk of melanoma for people later in life, making it crucial for more and more youngsters to adapt good sun protection habits from an early age that can then last a lifetime.

For further information on the Melanoma Fund, their Sun Safety Code and Sun-Sorted! Protection kits, please visit

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