Outwood Academy Hemsworth student Lacey has been celebrated for her bravery in dealing with a medical emergency at school by the Leeds United first team squad, receiving a signed certificate from the players.
With experience helping other students who suffer from seizures, Lacey was on hand to assist her teacher in dealing with a similar situation, calmly speaking with ambulance staff and the family to make sure a classmate was safe and supported until paramedics arrived.
The Leeds United Foundation have been working with Outwood Academy Hemsworth (OAH) through their Secondary School Hubs programme, creating strong relationships with their students and teaching staff.
Speaking about her brave actions, Andy Wormald the Behaviour and Attendance Officer at the Leeds United Foundation, said: “Lacey has unbelievable courage to take charge of situations that others would simply freeze in.
“Lacey has gone above and beyond with helping and looking after vulnerable students who experience trauma, and she kept a calm head throughout. She is a phenomenal role model to other students at OAH and hopefully more can follow in her footsteps. Well done, Lacey, we are so proud of you!”
The Secondary Schools Hubs programme delivered by the club's official charity focuses on behaviour, attendance, and health and wellbeing, whilst coaches also take on home visits with the attendance team to help encourage students who struggle engaging with their education. Using links with the club, the partnerships are also able to offer exciting opportunities for students and once-in-a-lifetime experiences to reward pupils, especially those going above and beyond.
For any further information on the work being done in secondary education, please contact [email protected].