During the Summer Holidays, we want our fans, friends and families to stay safe by staying off the tracks. Everyone loses when you step on the track.
Figures have revealed that over 250 incidents a week have been recorded by people taking unnecessary risks on the railway, whether that is due to taking short-cuts, not paying attention, capturing photos or some youngsters even attempting ‘train surfing’ – sometimes with tragic consequences.
Young people (those under the age of 18) make up one of the largest categories from the incidents being reported, and are currently responsible for a third of all cases.
The Leeds United Foundation along with a number of other EFL clubs are involved in the campaign with activity ranging from social media posts to player messages.
Coaches from the club's official charity have also been holding workshops in the local community as well as working with local schools to host educational visits to Leeds Station and deliver school assembly's focused all around railway safety.
To find out more information about the campaign, please visit: YouVsTrain.co.uk
To keep up to date with the campaign on social media make sure to use the hashtag: #YouVsTrain