1. How many staff look after the programmes?
We never have less than 2 staff running our activities and follow NSPCC guidance. We will bring in more staff dependent on the age of participants and any specialist care and support that is required.
2. How do I know the Foundation has the right staff?
The Leeds United Foundation operates a safer recruitment policy
- Recruiting staff are trained in safer recruitment so they know how to appoint the best people
- We check people have the right qualifications for the job - For roles that involve working with children (regulated activity), we ensure staff are DBS checked at least every 3 years
- All our staff complete FA safeguarding training as a minimum every 3 years – with additional training in between on all aspects of safeguarding
- All our staff sign the code of conduct
3. How do I know you will keep my child safe?
The Foundation is a child-centered organisation. The needs of children are central to our activities.
The Foundation has a safeguarding policy and procedure that all staff are given and trained on. Additionally, we have policies on social media, anti-bullying, complaints, whistleblowing and safer recruitment.
The Foundation also has specialist staff who support and promote safeguarding – a Head of Safeguarding, a Designated safeguarding officer and assistant safeguarding officers.
The Foundation safeguarding policies and practices are audited by the Premier League / Barnardo’s annually.
4. What if my child has an accident when on a Foundation activity?
There is at least one first aid qualified member of staff on an activity. They will deal with the accident and ensure the correct level of help is called. They will also contact parents / guardians of required, which is why we need your correct details for emergency contact. We will also ask you for any medical or emergency information regarding your child when registering for a session, so we know how best to make the session safe for them.
5. What if something happens that concerns me / my child?
If something happens on a session, then please speak to the coach. If you feel unable to do this, contact the safeguarding team: [email protected] Alternatively, we have a whistleblowing policy and complaints policy on the website.
6. How can parents / guardians help safeguard their children on our activities?
When you book a session with us, we will ask for an emergency number – please ensure you are contactable on this number during the session or you can leave a number of someone who can contact you should we need to speak to you.
Let us know who will be picking up your child at the end of the session. If this changes, then let us know who to expect – we will not let a child leave with a person that is not listed on our register.
Please do not drop your child off early to a session without making arrangements with us as we will not have staff available to look after them until the session starts.
Please pick up your child at the arranged time. If you are unavoidably delayed then let us know and we can make arrangements for them.
7. What if my child wants to leave a session before it ends?
If your child wants to leave early, we will speak to them to see if they are ok. If we cannot work with them so they want to continue then we will contact you to see if you can come and pick them up, as we cannot allow a child to leave on their own. If you are unable to pick them up then we will ask you to speak to them on the phone to see if you are able to let them know they need to stay.
8. How does the Foundation promote British Values?
In its 2011 Prevent Strategy, the Government defined the following as key British values.
• Democracy – we have a range of activities that people can choose to register for. We have a number of ‘voice’ groups where we listen to the opinions of our participants.
• Rule of Law
• Individual Liberty
• Mutual Respect
• Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
The Foundation promote these through the use of Codes of Conduct for staff and participants as well as the promotion if behaviours that reflect the British Values in all its delivery. The Foundation actively encourages participation form all sectors of the community and anyone expressing opinions that are contrary to the British Values, such as expressing harmful or extremist views, will be challenged by the Foundation.
9. What if I don’t want a photo taking of my child at the Foundation activities?
We will always ask for your, and your child’s consent if we want to take photographs or film at one of our activities. We would also let you know what we would like to use the image for. If you do not want photographs / images taking then this will not mean your child cannot attend the session – we will make sure they still get to enjoy themselves but will take steps to keep them out of any pictures taken.
10. How will parents get to know about safeguarding policies?
We will display our safeguarding policies on the Leeds United Foundation safeguarding page of the website. Additionally, our staff have access to all our policies, so please speak to a member of staff or if you have any specific questions, please email: [email protected]
11. What if my child has any specific needs?
They may have health issues, have special educational needs or limited mobility for example. We will always try and include children in our activities if we are able to. Please speak to us before you book your session, about any specific needs and we will be able to advise on appropriate sessions or ask if information can be shared with our coaches / leaders of activities so they can be aware of any special requirements.
12. NCS- What if my teenager is on NCS and I need to contact staff or have any concerns?
You can head to the NCS website for further information regarding NCS- https://wearencs.com/faqs
If you would like to discus any concerns or issues, please contact the NCS Manager Louise Burns – [email protected]
If your young person is going on a programme with us this summer, they will be given their individual wave leader’s number to call if needed but if you have any questions please feel free to call Louise on: 07701342504